Working from home

Sharp Design Solutions often hears of people working from home. It’s not always easy juggling the school children, their friends, the pets, partner and/or significant others, friends dropping in because you're home, invitations to have morning tea, coffee or lunch or drinks, requests to make lunch, gym appointments or trying not to keep the air-conditioning or heating on because since you’ve been working at home your energy bills have gone up.

It doesn’t help the amount you thought you’d be working from home has now increased dramatically and in some cases you’ve been relegated to the garage or under the staircase. It can be worse if you’re single or live alone. 

We’ve all followed the confusing ever changing news, the lockdowns, and threats. Some people have been fined, fined heavily, or jailed. Paranoia, depression, and anger has understandably increased.

What now – 

Most people in the community now have increased anxiety, we may be in denial but it is still evident. The current Covid crisis has been going on for more than 2 years and it is not going away in the short term. 

Being involved in design for more than 35 years I have only ever seen how important a person’s home environment is. It’s important to feel comfortable. This feeling is different for everybody. What makes somebody feel comfortable can make someone else feel awkward or anxious.

Now more than ever, creating separation from work and home is more important as more people are now finding it’s the same space.

Making conscious decisions – 

With work and home being the same space it’s important to have routines and make conscious decisions as to how you’ll be able to break up your day and feel different about your work and living spaces. This isn’t always possible depending on the others in your household. It’s also equally difficult if you live and work alone. 

Where and what is your work space at home – 

Our team at Sharp Design Solutions can design, create, build and install your productive work space. I say productive because that’s what your work space should be. 

If you’re having problems working in your current space, find it impossible to work there, or very uncomfortable, then talk to us. We’ll spend time talking to you, look at where you’re currently working, identify the problems and come up with productive solutions. We’ll also reduce your anxiety in the process. We’ll suggest the tools to enable you to work better and more comfortably. We’ll also suggest how you can isolate between work and home. 

I know firsthand, it’s terrible to be anxious and depressed and these feelings can only go away when you make changes or changes are made for you.

We’ll talk with you about the possibilities and then with your permission we’ll make the changes. More importantly though, we’ll make sure you’re enjoying the changes and the solution is working for you.

Like always, we’ll tell you up front how much this will cost you. We’ll provide you with documentation, perspectives, and renderings or your new work space at home, if you like. 

Most importantly though, any questions, please ask us. We’re here to help.

Kind regards

Paul Sharpless

Sharp Design Solutions

0414 91 91 91

Paul Sharpless

Sharp Design Solutions
0414 91 91 91

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